FOE: Free thoughts

I am still not participating in my guild, chat or otherwise, and I don’t pay attention to the global chat either. I tend to like to play games solo, or only with friends that I know in real life. This is not conducive to a game like Forge of Empires, where guild mechanics and interactions seem to be a big part of the game.

Overall, I have found that the game is much more complex than I initially believed. I thought it was going to be a simple resource-management game, but it actually has a lot of features, from guilds and guild expeditions to event minigames to tactical battles. I certainly enjoy certain parts more than others. My primary motivations early in the game were expanding my city and trying to keep up with classmates in the game, but since then it has more become a based in a desire to advance technologically and to get better troops so that I can play more of the battles. The event minigame turned out to be better, once I realized that you could pay scrolls to get more shovels and dynamite. That brings me to one aspect of the game that I continue to dislike: the sheer number of different resources that are needed. It’s annoying to have to manage supplies, gold, medals, scrolls, iron, marble, population, and all of the other stuff. I often find myself stuck with several researched technologies that I still need to buy. This stagnates the game and makes it less enjoyable. However, the game has overall been pretty interesting, and I’m glad that I’ve played.

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